Thank you to everyone who helped coordinate the event, and all of the racers!
Race results are now available at: https://www.regattanetwork.com/clubmgmt/applet_race_scores.php?regatta_id=26499&race_num=1
Race photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/rxLhCvGj1pJdDxYn7
Dinner and awards photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/knfR1mcYny8hcjeu5
The HdGYC Fall Invitational Regatta will be held on Saturday, September 30th, off Turkey Point in the Northern Bay. PHRF A, B, C, N, J-24, Cruising & Multihulls classes will be sailing.
Collectable hand-carved and painted duck decoys will be presented as trophies. We’ll be serving Salmon, Steak and all the trimmings at the post race party at Tidewater Marina. Free dockage at Tidewater will be available Saturday Night.
Register now through Regatta Network.
The Notice of Race is now available at https://hdgyc.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/HDGYC-Heffner-Invitational-Fall-Regatta-NOR-2023.pdf
Race registration is available through Regatta Network at https://www.regattanetwork.com/clubmgmt/applet_registration_form.php?regatta_id=26499
Registration for the post-race party now available at https://www.regattanetwork.com/clubmgmt/applet_registration_form.php?regatta_id=26978
Scratch sheet now available at: https://www.regattanetwork.com/clubmgmt/applet_registrant_list.php?regatta_id=26499&custom_report_id=2
Sailing Instructions: https://hdgyc.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/HdGYCInvitational2023SailingInstructions.pdf
Amendment 1 to the Sailing Instructions: https://hdgyc.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Amendment1HdGYCInvitational2023SIs.pdf
Region 1 Racing Marks: https://hdgyc.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Region-1-Racing-Marks-2023.pdf
For (free!) dockage the night of the party contact events@hdgyc.org
If you ordered an invitational T-shirt we will make an announcement soon when they are available.