Our 2024 schedule is now available. You can view the schedule in the Schedule tab on the webpage (https://hdgyc.org/schedule) or as a Google Calendar (https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=gg0fbrb68n000fm11qqdreini4%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America%2FNew_York). For quick reference here are the key dates:
- Sock Burning: 3/23
- First race of spring series (no tune-up): 4/18
- Hospice Regatta: 6/14
- Last race of the Spring Series: 6/20
- Welcome Regatta or fun race: 6/27
- First race of the Summer Series: 7/11 (no race on July 4th)
- Youth Sailing Gumbo cookoff: 8/8
- Last Thursday Night Race: 9/12
- McVey Memorial: 9/13
- Fall Invitational: 9/28
- Sunday Series racing: 9/22, then 10/6 through October
- Socials: 4/18, 5/23, 6/20, 7/18